How to Find the Right Law Course for Your Career?

If you have come to this point during your search then it is quite likely that you are planning to study law. But, just like it is difficult to study law, it is difficult to choose the right law course for you. Provided you are already filled with the drive and motivation to pursue a career in law then you should read this article completely.

First thing first, money should not be the only driving factor for choosing law as your profession. Respectable status, good promotion prospects, and wider career choice are some of the many reasons that should motivate you to make a career as a lawyer. An important point to note here is from which country you want to study law.

How to Find the Right Law Course for Your Career?

Choosing a Law School

If you want to practice law in India, then you should choose the right law courses for you in India only. The fact that every country has different rules and regulations, so if you complete your law studies from any other country and want to practice your profession in India than it will be of little use to you.

Law or legal studies is a field that touches almost every other industry, be it politics, economics, business, human rights, environment, trade, and international relations. As a law student, you will be prepared to handle some of the most problematic situations, issues, or conflicts of modern society. A law degree will provide you with a framework through which you can examine and understand different cultures and societies. A law degree from CGC Jhanjeri will not only provide you with a specific legal career but will also prepare you for life in general.

Different Types of Law Degree

Just like the numerous fields law professionals are employed, the same variety is there in the type of law degree that is available. In most countries, law degrees are in the form of LLB which makes one eligible to take up the national Bar or Law Society examination which makes them eligible to practice law. This study program is for three years and can be pursued after completing your graduation.

Another option available is in the form of BA LLB or B.Com LLB, both these alternatives can be pursued after completing your school and they are five-year programs. This course is quite suitable for those who are quite clear about the profession they want to be just as they pass out of their school.

There is some difference between the LLB and BA LLB study curriculum. The first one focuses completely on law and the later one combines other subjects as well, such as that of humanities. However, at the end of the day, both the programs have the same outcome. You will be eligible and competent enough to pursue a career in this field.

Anyone who wants to become a business lawyer or the one who can provide legal advice and expertise in trade and business should go for B.Com. LLB course. A combination of law knowledge and that of commerce will put you at an advantage of being hired by companies that are looking for business lawyers or to start your own personal practice.

When you are at the crossroad on which college to choose to study law, then an important parameter to consider here is the placement. Starting your practice soon after completing your theoretical classes is essential and this will be possible only if the college has strong pr to put you in a working position soon after. Completing a law degree from a government college leaves you at the crossroad as most of them do not provide placement. CGC Jhanjeri is one such college that is known for its exceptional placement record and has been given a number of rewards in this respect.

Law program starts with a core course which is mandatory, after that there are a number of options to chose from that can take you on your desired career path. There is a combination of seminars, lectures, presentations, group work, mooting sessions, and class debates in the teaching method used. Students get considerable help through practical law training in a mock courtroom.

If you have come to this point during your search then it is quite likely that you are planning to study law. But, just like it is difficult to study law, it is difficult to choose the right law course for you. Provided you are already filled with the drive and motivation to pursue a career in law then you should read this article completely.