UI/UX Technologies

UI/UX Technologies

The Department of Computer Applications at Chandigarh School of Business orchestrated a three-day workshop focusing on UI/UX Technologies tailored for B.Sc. (GWD) students. This initiative aimed to equip participants with cutting-edge insights into software tools, enriching their skill set and industry acumen.

Through hands-on sessions, attendees delved deep into the intricacies of UI/UX, fostering a comprehensive understanding of these vital technologies.

The workshop facilitated a dynamic learning environment, enabling students to explore various tools firsthand, thereby augmenting their practical proficiency. This immersive experience not only enhanced their competencies but also heightened their relevance within the industry landscape. As participants absorbed invaluable knowledge during the workshop, they fortified their foundation for future professional endeavors and academic pursuits.

Undoubtedly, the exposure garnered from this workshop will catalyze the students' professional growth, propelling them forward in their careers. By bridging theoretical concepts with practical application, the event marked a pivotal milestone in their journey toward excellence in the realm of UI/UX technologies.