Faculty Sports Fiesta Season 2: Embracing Team Spirit and Healthy Competition!

Faculty Sports Fiesta

CGC Jhanjeri hosted its highly anticipated Faculty Sports Fiesta Season 2 on February 10, 2024, bringing together faculty members from various departments for a day of spirited competition, camaraderie, and fun-filled activities.

Faculty members showcased their athletic prowess and team spirit across a range of sports and recreational games. The event featured an array of exciting games, including Tug of War, Musical Chairs, Badminton, Carrom, Volleyball, Basketball, and Cricket, providing opportunities for participants to engage in friendly rivalry and display their sporting talents.

In addition to conventional sports, the Faculty Sports Fiesta also included entertaining fun games such as the 3-leg race, Sack race, and Arm Wrestling, adding an element of laughter and excitement to the proceedings.

Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Campus Director of CGC Jhanjeri, expressed his appreciation to the organizing committee and participants for making the Faculty Sports Fiesta Season 2 a resounding success. He emphasized the institution's commitment to promoting a healthy work-life balance and fostering a supportive community culture.

The day concluded on a high note, with participants reflecting on the camaraderie, teamwork, and fun-filled moments shared during the event. As faculty members return to their academic responsibilities, the spirit of sportsmanship and unity ignited on this day will continue to resonate throughout the campus.